The Paperchase Story

“ Conscious Living was born in response to our customers becoming increasingly aware and concerned about the effects we all have on the planet. It’s not just about recycling, it’s about sourcing locally and ethically and using friendlier production processes. We have always been a brand that takes our social responsibility seriously, it’s reflected in our brand values, we just haven’t shouted about it. ”
Scott Corbett
Brand Director, Paperchase
James Cropper was delighted to work with such an esteemed and well known partner, especially one that fits with our creative, innovative and responsible ideologies. Conscious Living was the first collection launched by Paperchase focusing entirely on eco-friendly materials and methods of production. The 60 piece collection launched 2019.

Conscious Living aims to champion new techniques and suppliers to create the Paperchase products we know and love, with friendlier materials.

Soy inks, recycled leather, bamboo, recycled coffee cups and organic cotton feature throughout the collection as well as all products remaining entirely plastic packaging free. 42% of the range is recycled and 73% of the range is recyclable or biodegradable.

Design-led retailer Paperchase boast over fifty years on the UK’s high streets with their offering of inspiring and innovative stationery.

This approach is carried through into their Conscious Living collection and features notebooks:

‘I used to be a coffee cup’
‘No longer a latte’
‘Kind people are my kinda people’

Each containing paper that incorporates fibre from coffee cups reclaimed through CupCycling.

CupCycling by James Cropper is the world’s first recycling process dedicated to upcycling take-away cups. We give them a second life as beautiful papers for stationery and packaging.

Hero products include:

  • Extract paper notebooks with CupCycling; each made from 8 recycled coffee cups and manufactured in the UK in a factory that has minimal carbon emissions.
  • 3D printed sugar cane pens, pen pots and paperclips; all designed and printed in Batch. Works’ workshop in East London.
  • Recycled erasers made from TPR (thermoplastic elastomers) which is waste that has been diverted from landfill.

Each product in the collection has ethical credentials and the product stories will be told through POS on the shop floor as well as online.