James Cropper Collaborates on Development of The Royal British Legion’s New Plastic Free Poppy

11 Jul 2024
The 100% paper design of the charity's iconic poppy will be available from this year's Poppy Appeal onwards.

Working with the Royal British Legion (RBL), and design consultancy Matter, James Cropper is proud to have co-created the poppy which will reduce carbon emissions by 40 per cent. It is free from single-use plastic and can be recycled in ordinary paper recycling collections.

The design is part of the charity’s commitment to reducing single-use plastic in all its activities in a drive to be economical, sustainable, and less impactful to the environment. The new poppy maintains the iconic poppy design and leaf shape and can be fastened with a pin, inserted into a buttonhole, or stick on versions are available.

Marking 45 years of partnership with the RBL, the paper provided for the new design is made from a blend of renewable fibres from responsible sources, 50 per cent of which has been recovered from paper coffee cup production via James Cropper’s CupCycling facility in Cumbria.

MATTER_RBL_PAPER POPPY_WEARING POPPY Matter NPD image of RBL Paper Poppy Wearing Poppy

With sustainable solutions at the heart of the James Cropper mission, the new poppy contributes to its vision to drive growth of upcycled fibre within the company’s paper products to 50 per cent by 2025: pioneering materials to safeguard our future.

James Cropper’s FibreBlend Upcycled Technology sustainable paper model organises the plethora of fibre blend options available to customers into a clear offer, demonstrating the limitless expertise available to them. From the world’s first technology to upcycle used coffee cups to the industry leading incorporation of used jeans into fully recyclable paper for packaging – transforming waste into beautiful paper and packaging is at the core of the FibreBlend Upcycled Technology mission.

The plastic-free poppy will be available for the 2023 Poppy Appeal alongside remaining stocks of the current poppy, which can be returned to Sainsbury’s stores for recycling.

“ We didn’t want to simply reduce single use plastic, but to eliminate it completely. Paper offered a single-material solution that could be easily recycled, as well as offering a bold, elegant approach for the next generation of poppies. When applied well, paper is such a beautiful material. The new poppy uses papers entirely bespoke to the RBL, with print finish details that lift 3D form and deliver a quality that the remembrance occasion deserves. ”

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