James Cropper Attends Edition Speciale By Luxe Pack 2023

11 Jul 2024

The James Cropper team has had a fantastic week bringing new revolutionary coloured paper and moulded fibre innovations to the world of luxury and beauty packaging.

Presenting our future-facing advances in luxury packaging by James Cropper including the opportunity to join Perrier-Jouët on stage to dicuss how we boxed up the perfect blend of beauty and sustainability.

Our very own Tricia Hartmann, Luxury Packaging Lead sat down with Sonia Le Masne, Sustainability & Responsibility Director, Martell Mumm, Perrier-Jouët to discuss our fantastic new partnership, and how together we created their new eco-designed gift box – Belle Epoque ‘Cocoon’.

“ Since 1845, James Cropper's great speciality has been colour. Our speciality is therefore to combine fibres, whether of recycled origin or virgin fibres, with pigments, which can be liquid or solid, and which will generally meet all the requirements of packaging, such as light resistance, rub test resistance, etc. In fact, as a colour specialist, it's our dream to do a Moulded Fibre product in colour, so this packaging is totally in colour. What you need to know is that there is a colour laboratory located between our paper division and the Moulded Fibre division. The same laboratory could potentially develop a colour for a Moulded Fibre product, say a red, and the same red for paper, other boxes or other applications of the brand.

So there are no limits to colour. To address the issue of price and cost that you mentioned, the price difference between white and coloured packaging is virtually nil. The impact of the pigment used is very small. In terms of quality, these are chemical pigments which have a cost, but as we use very few of them in quantity, the variable is on the order of 4-5% on this type of packaging. ”

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